Toxic Foods to Avoid Feeding Pets
Most pet owners are diligent about feeding their pets a healthy, nutritious diet. It can be tempting, however, to offer a pet a tasty treat, especially on a special day such as a holiday or the pet's birthday, or even as a reward for mastering a new trick or obeying a command. There are some foods, however, that can be toxic to pets and should never be offered, even in small quantities. The Effects of Toxic Foods on Pets Giving a pet inappropriate foods can have many possible consequences, from mildly uncomfortable side effects to dangerous, even deadly results. The...
Knowing More About Grain-Free Treats
Cats and dogs are naturally meat-eaters, and grain-free treats are all the rage to offer your pets. But how appropriate are grains, really, in your pet's diet? What types of treats are suitable and how can you find the best options to meet your pet's nutritional needs? Grain and Your Pets Naturally carnivorous pets such as cats and dogs require diets high in protein and made of mostly meat for strong, healthy muscles and overall nutritional balance. While it is true that carnivores cannot easily digest grains, modern domesticated dogs and cats can usually eat small amounts of grain without...